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Project Integration Specialist

Job Opening
Job Opening ID: 251413
Job Network : Economic, Social and Development
Job Family : ENV
Category and Level : Consultants, CON
Duty Station : PANAMA CITY
Department/Office : United Nations Environment Programme
Date Posted : Jan 21, 2025
Deadline : Jan 30, 2025
Result of Service
The Project Integration specialist consultant will streamline the efficient implementation of the National Adaptation Plans by executing the tasks outlined in the Terms of Reference. Continuously contributing to the efficient implementation of the project “Building capacities for the development of the National Adaptation Plan in the context of the NDCs adaptation themes in Panama” by executing the tasks outlined. Specific tasks and responsibilities The Project Integration specialist consultant will contribute to the effective implementation of the project by performing the following tasks: Outcome 3.1: Adaptation planning governance and institutional coordination strengthened: • Output 3.1.3. Training programmes designed and implemented for policy- and decision-makers from relevant ministries and departments to build capacity to lead, coordinate and actively participate in the NAP Process in Panama; • Output 3.1.4. A national adaptation Research and Development programme to better understand cross thematic risks and identify innovations, new technologies and approaches to address them; • Output 3.1.5. A mechanism established to track adaptation progress, report advances and evaluate outcomes for future revision for the NDC adaptation themes. Activity 1.1: Partner with the National Project Coordinator to develop and refine project work plans, optimize budget allocation, streamline procurement strategies, and generate detailed progress analyses to meet project milestones efficiently. Activity 1.2: Monitor progress of project activities and identify corrective measures to overcome operational constraints. Activity 1.3: Contribute to the preparation, monitoring, evaluation of compliance of the Procurement Plan, Operational Plans, and the project budget. Activity 1.4: Provide technical expertise to generate relevant communication inputs on the NAP portfolio websites, as well as to prepare, publish and disseminate relevant policy and climate change adaptation documents. Activity 1.5: Contribute with the financial Management and monitoring of the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) with the Fundación NATURA. Activity 1.6: Carry out desktop review to develop a complete SWOT assessment of the institutional, technical and coordination capacities of the members of the NAPCP&WG to steer the NAP process and actively engage them in cross thematic adaptation planning processes. The process will be done using a gender-sensitive approach to assess and address capacity needs both for men and women. Responsibility: The consultant, working closely with the National Project Coordinator, will engage with key national and international stakeholders—such as executing entities, civil society organizations, and private sector partners—to design and enhance project activities, ensuring alignment with budgetary constraints and project timelines. The consultant will develop strategic materials and maintain direct coordination with government leadership to support the successful execution of project activities. They will manage project documentation and manage critical processes to facilitate timely and efficient delivery of project milestones. Outcome 3.2 Evidence basis produced to design adaptation solutions for maximum impact • Output 3.2.1. Baseline established for adaptation progress in each NDC adaptation theme, against which to measure NAP progress. • Output 3.2.2. Updated information on climate scenarios, socio-economic projections, and climate change impacts for water resources, health, infrastructure and agriculture and food security themes are available. • Output 3.2.3. Nationally agreed adaptation strategies identified and appraised. Activity 2.1: Review, analyze and synthetize available data and information on (i) the causes of observed impact events, including gender differentiated factors ii) current adaptation status (for example, identify, strategies, actions or initiatives) for the adaptation themes: water resources, health, infrastructure, agriculture and food security, and (iii) methodologies used for climate change risk and vulnerability assessments, including gender differentiated analysis. For this, sources such as the Fourth National Communication will be used and complemented with a consultation process with the NAPCP&WG. Activity 2.2: Provide guidance and expertise in the process of recruitment and hiring of individual consultants, consultancy firms and procurement of goods and services carried out in accordance with the project proposal, and the procedures of UNEP. Activity 2.3: Provide technical expertise in the technical organization and support of Project Steering Committee and other relevant meetings, workshops, trainings, consultations and communications efforts (as necessary). Activity 2.4: Provide technical expertise to field missions for the dissemination of relevant information on climate change adaptation. Responsibility: The consultant, in collaboration with The Regional Subprogramme Coordinator for the Climate Change Unit in UNEP LACO and the National Project Coordinators, will contribute in the development and implementation of project activities, including the coordination and facilitation of national, regional, and local meetings, as well as the development of technical presentations to advise project planning, information synthesis, and strategic outreach efforts. This will promote the project’s objectives and ensure streamlined execution of all recruitment processes. Outcome 3.4 Adaptation finance increased. • Output 3.4.1 NAP priorities mainstreamed into public sector budgets. • Output 3.4.2 Thematic mainstreaming adaptation strategies developed for six NDC adaptation themes to support investment into adaptation. • Output 3.4.3 A Climate Change Adaptation Financing Strategy elaborated and two Green Climate Fund concept notes developed to effectively mobilize public and private sector financing for implementation of priority adaptation measures. Activity 3.1: Develop climate change adaptation public and institutional expenditure review, comprising the following steps: (i) Develop national adaptation relevant expenditure estimates. (ii) Review the institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms for climate finance, budgeting and planning. (iii) Assessing the capacity of local governments to raise and allocate budgets to implement adaptation measures. Activity 3.1: Coordinate project-related meetings by defining agendas, scheduling key discussions, and documenting action items to ensure alignment on project activities and outcomes. Activity 3.2: Work with the Project Management Unit to address operational needs and optimize resource management, supporting efficient project workflows and effective use of the unit’s assets. Responsibility: In collaboration with the Regional SubProgramme Coordinator for the Climate Change Unit in UNEP LACO and the National Project Coordinators, the consultant will conduct the organization, synthesis, and analysis of data obtained from studies and activities across various project components. This will encompass compiling and structuring all results aligned with the outcomes outlined in the NAP Project Proposal to ensure comprehensive documentation and integration into the project framework.