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The Security Officer Test

Candidates must meet the following requirements to be eligible for consideration for a job as entry-level Security Officer:

  • Be between the ages of 22 and 35 years at the time of application
  • Have a High School diploma
  • Be in excellent physical condition
  • Have at least two years’ experience with a civilian police force or three years in a military police force. Candidates holding a relevant first level university degree with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in the security field will also be considered.
  • Pass the United Nations Security Officer Test. The tests are held when there is a requirement for such positions at the duty station in the locality where you wish to apply. For more information on the test and where to take it, please contact the Organization’s offices in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, Santiago, Bangkok, Beirut, Addis Ababa, Arusha or The Hague, or contact your nearest United Nations Information Centre or United Nations Development Programme office.
UN Police officer smiling to the camera on the General Assembly Building.General Assembly Convenes Nelson Mandela Peace Summit, Manuel Elias (photo), New York, UN Photo, 2018.
Security and Safety Officer at General Assembly.Security and Safety Officer at General Assembly General Debate, Cia Pak (photo), New York, UN Photo, 2016.